大家早上好!在这丹桂飘香的金秋十月,管家婆正版管家婆今天的与泰国Mahidol Wittayanusorn学校一年一度的交流活动再次拉开了帷幕。请允许我代表管家婆正版管家婆今天的的全体学生对远道而来的泰国同学们表示热烈的欢迎。管家婆正版管家婆今天的与Mahidol Wittayanusorn 学校的合作交流已有七年之久。在这七年中,两校一直保持着亲密的优良关系,互相学习,共同进步。两校的学生通过交流学习的机会,了解与体验对方学校的课程设置、特色活动,同时也走进对方国家的文化与传统。最后,预祝来自泰国的同学们能在为期一周的交流活动中,有难忘并富有意义的体验。愿两校能长期开展相关合作交流活动,愿两校的友谊天长地久!谢谢。
Good morning, everyone. In this golden autumn, the annual exchange activity of Shanghai High School and Mahidol Wittayanusorn School in Thailand has kicked off again. Let us use the most warm applause to express our welcome to Thai students coming from afar. The cooperation and communication between two schools has already lasted for seven years, during which time, two schools maintain a close and excellent relationship, learn from each other and step forward together. Through the oppotunity of exchange learning activity, curriculum and characteristic activities of each school are understood and experienced, and at the same time, students get close to the other country's culture and customs. At last, wish Thai students can have an unforgettable and meaningful experience during this one-week-exchange activity. Wish Shanghai High School and Mahidol Wittayanusorn School can have a long-term cooperation. Wish the friendship between two schools can last forever. Thank you.